Saturday, August 11, 2007

Could a Wikipedia backed search engine take down Google?

Jimmy Wales, the man behind Wikipedia, has laid out plans to create a new search engine that focuses on quality results, rather than complete and total crawling."The new Wikia search service will combine computer-driven algorithms and human-assisted editing when the company launches a public version of the search site toward the end of 2007"

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Page Saver firefox extension captures web pages as images

If you capture screenshots of web pages often and don't want to go through the whole Alt-PrntScrn, Open Paint, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+S routine, this Firefox extension's for you. Save the visible portion of a web page or the entire page to an image in one click with Page Saver, which is great for reporting web site bugs or just snapping a web page pic

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Rusty car sells for over $850k [PICS]

Rust bucket-o-cash

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Computer Electrocutes Sweaty Student

A college student was so worried about his expenses he refused to turn on his air conditioner, even when he noticed it was hot enough to over heat his computer.

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12 Hot Women & the Hideous Men They Love

So what if you´re ugly? Being hideous certainly didn´t stop these lucky bastards from getting themselves some grade-A leg.

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Applying for the Position of Jessica Alba's Boyfriend

Bachelors (and anyone else for that matter) take note: Jessica Alba, that bastion of sexual purity and overall desirable hotness, is single. Scrape that jaw off the floor, cowboy. The news is true. Does this mean that you have a chance at getting into her jeans? Perhaps, if you can give yourself over to your innate ATTACK MODE.

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The Simspons: 'Please Don't Download This Movie Illegally'

Despite the pleas Bart writes on the chalkboard, the movie gets leaked on BitTorrent, the Pirate Bay Goes Simpsons, and yet, despite all it still rakes in big bucks at the box office.

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Woman goes in labor while auditioning for American Idol

Talk about pregnant pauses: An American Idol contestant's audition was interrupted Monday when she went into labor, an Idol first. Antoria Gillon, 20, of Dallas, wasn't due to give birth until today, so she thought it was safe to wait in line outside Texas Stadium in Irving starting at 2:30 a.m. Monday for her first shot at the singing competition.

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Non-Magic T-Shirt Reveals Harry Potter's Ending (PIC)

The Harry Potter Enlightenment Project has produced a spoilsport T-Shirt that will make children cry and their parents call you every name under the sun. See Cho (Katie Leung) revealing it all — and yes, she's hot. [NSFP version - Not Safe For Potterphiles]

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The New Incredible Hulk Revealed!

At the Marvel films panel at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday, they revealed a new concept photo of the Hulk as well as spoke with Edward Norton about his role and his involvement in helping write the film.

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Beauties With Big Brains

It's easy to forget, but not every hot female celebrity is a braindead skanked out media whore like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Here are ten gorgeous female celebrities who actually excelled academically and have something going for them apart from their good looks.

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JK Rowling answers a ton of Harry Potter questions

This pretty much clears everything up.

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Is the Internet the fifth major TV network?

it's too early to see what happens, but it's an interesting time. one day the internet will on par with the other networks.

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Full Iron Man Debriefing from Comic-Con

"At this year's San Diego Comic-Con last Saturday, Marvel hosted a panel for two of their major films..It's time to hone down and focus on all things Iron Man, including details discussed by director Jon Favreau and star Robert Downey Jr as well as the footage shown and much more."

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''Star Trek'' exclusive: The Spocks speak!

In a roundtable conversation with EW, Leonard Nimoy, newly cast Zachary Quinto, and director J.J. Abrams talk about '08's franchise reboot

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Wil Wheaton's Geek in Review: One Big Focus Group

Hollywood faces its greatest challenge in the history of adapting comic books to movies with "Watchmen". Many executives won’t understand what it’s about. If Hollywood really wants to do this right, and really doesn’t want to ***** it up, my advice is to listen to the focus group at Comic-Con. I mean, REALLY listen... [warning: site may be NSFW]

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Tom Cruise to Play Capt. Christopher Pike in J.J. Abrams' 'Star Trek'?

IGN has learned from a trusted source that director J.J. Abrams would like to have the A-list star cameo in his forthcoming big-screen reboot of Star Trek.

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The Ten Most Memorable Moments from Comic-Con ‘07

If you were there, you could probably jot down 20-30 great moments in a matter of minutes. It was that much fun. If you weren’t there, here are 10 things that should have you kicking yourself in the ass for missing the event:

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Six Things That Suck About Each of the Game Consoles

The XBox 360 has a great library of games, the Wii offers a unique gameplay experience and the PS3 is a powerhouse waiting for its potential to be unleashed. Everyone comes to the defense of their favorite consoles, but here are six things that ***** me off about each of them.

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Rockstar goes Sony Exclusive - GTA IV sequels all on PS3

According to the cheatcc podcast R* will be going PS3/PSP exclusive. All upcoming titles other than those in production will be on the PS3 only. If this is true it could be a huge coup for Sony as it measn that all the GTA IV spin offs will be PS3 exclusive.

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